Song titles link to YouTube videos where available. These are provided for information and evaluation purposes only. Videos open in a new window. Note that sound/vision quality may vary greatly, and is generally poor.
TCF 065: Off Target (Australia, Volume 4)
1I MADE 100  Greg Champion  3'22"
(Greg Champion)  Shirtfront Music  ℗ 1985 Team Records  Production credit unavailable
2THE CRACK-UP  Black Sorrows  2'48"
(J. Camelleri/N. Smith)  Rondor/Chappell  ℗ 1988 CBS Productions Pty. Ltd.  Produced by Jeff Burstin & Joe Camileri
3LOCK IT  Falling Joys  4'39"
(Suzie higgie)  Control  ℗ 1990 Volition Records  Produced by Adrian Bolland & Falling Joys
4WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE  [Album Version]  Collette  3'50"
(Collette Roberts/Peter Bowman)  Warner/BMG  ℗ 1990 Sony Music Productions Pty. Ltd.  Produced by Mark S. Berry for MSB Productions Pty. Ltd.
5I DONT WANNA TAKE THIS PAIN  [7" Remix Edit]  Dannii  3'19"
(A. Moody/V. Bell/E. Isles)  Mushroom/Control  ℗ 1991 Mushroom Records International BV  Produced by Les Adams and Emma Freilich for Whole Hog Productions
6IDIOT GRIN  Do.Ré.Mi  2'24"
(Do.Ré.Mi)  DH/CBS  ℗ 1985 Virgin Records Australia Pty. Ltd.  Produced by Gavin MacKillop
7REVOLUTION LOVE  [7" Version]  Kids in the Kitchen  4'09"
(S. Carne/A. Coia/E. Moule)  Mushroom-Kids Inc./Control  ℗ 1987 Mushroom Records Pty. Ltd.  Produced by Richard Gottehrer
8SUSPICIOUS  [Martian Edit]  93D  3'44"
(Ray Vanderby/Ralph Marshall/Glenn Wilson)  AMCOS/Control  ℗ 1991 Possum Music Pty. Ltd.  Produced by Jerry Peal, Ray Vanderby and Ralph Marshall
9RULE OF THREES  [Album Version]  Mondo Rock  4'04"
(Eric McCusker)  Eric McCusker Music  ℗ 1986 M-Rock Pty. Ltd.  Produced by Bill Drescher
10CUT THE TALKING  [Album Versiom]  Dugites  3'42"
(Peter Crosbie)  Deluxe  ℗ 1983 PolyGram Records Pty. Ltd.  Produced by Carey Taylor
11CHINESE I'S (HERE COME THE MINUTE MEN)  [7" Version]  Venetians  3'46"
(R. Swinn)  Warner Bros.  ℗ 1983 Parole Records Pty. Ltd.  Produced by Vic Coppersmith-Heaven
12LOVE SOMEBODY  Noiseworks  4'24"
(J. Stevens/S. Fraser)  MCA/Gilbey  ℗ 1987 CBS Productions Pty. Ltd.  Produced by Mark Opitz
13DADDY'S GONNA MAKE YOU A STAR!  Company of Strangers  4'41"
(Simon Hussey/Jef Scott/James Reyne)  Warner/Marble  ℗ 1992 Sony Music Productions Pty. Ltd.  Produced by Simon Hussey
14HURT  Atomic Beat Squad  4'36"
(ABS)  Control  ℗ 1990 Atomic Beat Squad  Produced by Leroy Bath and ABS
15ONLY YOU  Keith Urban  3'33"
(Todd Hunter/Johanna Piggott)  EMI Songs  ℗ 1991 EMI Records Australia Pty. Ltd.  Produced by Peter Blyton and Keith Urban.
16DARK SIDE OF THE MAN  [Album Version]  Ross Wilson  3'55"
(Ross Wilson/Duncan Veall)  Mushroom/Reggie  ℗ 1989 Ross Wilson Music Pty. Ltd.  Produced by Ricky Fataar
17RUNNING FROM THE GUNS  [Album Version]  Die Laughing  3'35"
(H. Johannes/R. Copp)  EMI Music  ℗ 1988 EMI Records Australia Pty. Ltd.  Produced by Kevin Stanton & Spencer Lee for Stanlee Music Productions
18CROSS THE BORDER  [Single Version]  Icehouse  3'56"
(I. Davies/R. Kretchmer)  CBS  ℗ 1986 Regular Records Pty. Ltd.  Produced by Rhett Davies
19RENDEZVOUS  Choirboys  4'07"
(Gable/Hulme/Tanner/Tebbutt/Williams)  Mushroom/Warner/Chappell  ℗ 1991 Mushroom Records Pty. Ltd.  Produced by Marc Tanner
20DETERMINATION  Tommy Emmanuel  4'47"
(Tommy Emmanuel)  Control  ℗ 1991 Mega Records, a division of The Mega Entertainment Group  Produced by Robie Porter for Mega Entertainment Ltd.

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