d-Wizz Hankuk Travel Diary [2005]
Back to Contents / Photo Index (Main)
Photo Index (Main)
The captions of each photo in the Hankuk Travel Diary [2005] are listed in this section for easy reference.
This list is posted here in this format only as a temporary means of accessing the photos in the book.
As the photos are progressively linked into the main dairy pages, the links on this page will be changed to refer to the main diary pages, and not directly to the photos themselves.
You will have to use the “Back" arrow on your browser to navigate after viewing each photo, until the links are complete.
The photos are sorted into groups, and are listed in the order in which they appear in the diary.
Choose a group to view photos:
1. Abstract
2. Me
3. Infrastructure
4. Food
5. Friends
6. Miscellaneous