d-Wizz Hankuk Travel Diary [2005]
Day 37 (2005-09-01) / Epilogue / A special song!
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Epilogue: the aftermath
I always wanted to keep a record of this trip, but I wasn’t expecting it to be on the scale that I have done. I began writing a travel diary on the plane from Brisbane, and kept up to date for the first few days, but I got behind and eventually stopped writing about 10 days into the trip. My records from that point are: a few summary lines for each day, which I scribbled down from memory every 3 – 4 days; the photographic record from my digital camera; and the archives of MSN chats I was involved in during the period (I saved all my MSN conversations on the USB key). I told many of my friends on MSN about what was happening, so this was a rich source of information. Based on these records and my own memories of what happened, I have been able to fully write out the details of events. The prologue was written retrospectively as an introduction.
I left the recharger for my camera at Spike’s apartment in Gwangju, and this prevented me from uploading the hundreds of pictures from my camera to my computer. I eventually got them transferred to my USB key thanks to a friend at my church. I sorted through all the pictures and selected over 250 to use here. Also, Jamie and Keith (my brother) took photos while I was with them. These were put on my USB key before I left, so I have been able to choose some of those as well. Working with the pictures was a lot of fun and helped me remember much of what happened. I really did cram a lot into 35 days!
It is my pleasure to present this special document to my friends, for they were all a very important part of my story. I look forward to seeing them again in 2006 if my circumstances allow.
So for now, it’s 안녕히 계세요!
반갑 습니다, and
또 만나요!
Day 37 (2005-09-01) / Epilogue / A special song!
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